Undercover video reveals Labour and Tory Friends of Israel conspiring with Embassy official

UPDATE: Labour’s Emily Thornberry calls for a government inquiry into “improper interference in our democratic politics”. This is welcome, but attention also needs to focus on the role of Labour’s own “Friends of Israel.”

An undercover Al-Jazeera report has revealed clear evidence of collaboration between both Labour and Tory “Friends of Israel” and the Israeli Embassy in London.

The right-wing Daily Mail – a staunch supporter of Israel – has nonetheless reported at length on the revelations, which vindicate Free Speech on Israel’s case over recent months. There can now be no doubt that supporters of Palestine have been systematically targeted in a campaign to undermine their valid criticisms of the Israeli state and its ideology.

The UK Foreign Office has said that the Embassy, quoted in the Guardian with all the appearance of trying to play the story down, has apologised and the matter is closed. This is clearly not the case.

A full statement from Free Speech on Israel will follow.

See the Daily Mail story below.

Israel plot to ‘take down’ Tory minister: Astonishing undercover video captures diplomat conspiring with rival MP’s aide to smear Deputy Foreign Secretary

The Israeli Embassy made a shocking vow to ‘take down’ Boris Johnson’s Foreign Office deputy, a secret film reveals today.

The bombshell footage, covertly filmed in a London restaurant and obtained by The Mail on Sunday, shows a senior diplomat making the astonishing threat to target Sir Alan Duncan.

Extraordinarily, he is egged on by a senior aide to another Conservative Minister, Robert Halfon.

The video comes in a film claiming to expose the way that the Israeli government has ‘infiltrated’ both the Conservative and Labour parties via its embassy in the UK, using secret cash and covert support.

Further footage shows the Israeli diplomat, intelligence expert Shai Masot, telling senior Labour MP Joan Ryan that he has obtained ‘more than £1 million’ to pay for sympathetic Labour MPs to visit Israel.

Mr Masot also mocks ‘crazy’Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and his ‘weirdo’ supporters. Footage shows pro-Israel Labour activists discussing the Jerusalem government’s secret role in backing their activities.


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2 thoughts on “Undercover video reveals Labour and Tory Friends of Israel conspiring with Embassy official”

  1. It seems we have now taken to creating neo-traitor zionist activists in the UK.
    If Obama can send back Russian diplomats on a flimsy pretext we can do better than that.
    Regev and his whole shoddy London crew should be kicked out all the way back to Tel Aviv.
    Now, maybe, people in the UK understand what was really behind the fake antisemite attacks on Jeremy Corbyn, Jackie Walker and the Labour Party?
    It is high time that Britain adopted a single secular state solution for Palestine.
    We owe the zionists absolutely nothing.

  2. Amongst the many things this event put into my mind is that Dame Jenny Tonge has been vindicated, and probably deserves an apology from her former LibDem colleagues. And, before now, has Mark Regev ever in his life apologised to anyone over anything? I understand from the Al Jazeera website that there’s much more to come (4 programmes, no less).

    The other thing I thought was that the spy can’t be much good if he was followed intensively for six months without twigging!

    Emily Thornberry is surely right to demand a government enquiry. Will Regev be expelled?!

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