Professor David Miller has written a twitter thread rebutting the false and malicious claims about him made by Daily Telegraph journalists. This was a flagrant attempt to undermine academic freedom in the context of discussing Palestine and Israel.
Let’s review the inaccuracies and weasel words used to insinuate antisemitism even while explicitly denying they are making such an allegation.
3. In my response (which the Telegraph reported) I said that ‘Students of all backgrounds can find some of the material challenging if it goes against their existing beliefs or knowledge-base.’
4. In order to elevate this story to newsworthiness the Telegraph needed to be able to link the student response to some hint of racism. Here’s how they did it.
5. First they accurately quoted my slides in which I note that ‘ultra Zionist funders are active’ in funding Islamophobia and that ‘parts of’ the Zionist movement are involved in spreading Islamophobia. These are simply factual statements.
@poxymoron) who shows how ‘a considerable faction of right-wing Zionists, of the sort who have long dominated pro-Israel politics, are often linked to organised Islamophobia promotion.’
6. I referred the Telegraph to my colleague Hilary Aked (7. I also referred to a piece I co-wrote with my colleague Sarah Marusek on how Tony Blair’s Faith Foundation received money from a financial fraudster linked with illegal Israeli settlements and an American Islamophobic network
@Telegraph did not share this evidence with their readers.
8. The@Telegraph and many of those who have criticised me, including the @CST_UK who first raised this complaint with Bristol University, to distinguish between ‘Jewish’ and ‘Zionist’ groups.
12. At the heart of this misrepresentation is the failure of the18. What ‘suggestion’ am I denying here? That students ‘felt’ that, or that ‘taken as a whole’ the lecture was ‘reminiscent’ of antisemitic content. The lecture ‘as a whole’ was about Islamophobia about which I have written at length.

David Miller is Professor of Political Sociology in the School for Policy Studies at the University of Bristol. His books include What is Islamophobia? Racism, Social Movements and the State and Impact of Market Forces on Addictive Substances and Behaviours: The Web of Influence of Addictive Industries
I think Professor Miller is absolutely right.
I would be interested to see more information about the links between Mick Davies (who let Jeremy Newmark of JLM ill-repute “off the hook” and Michael Levy (former Blair fund-raiser).
Is it possible to get his talk on their connections with BICOM posted here?