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Support FSOI with a donation
We need your support if we are to combat the Zionist offensive against all criticism of Israel’s activities.
We need to pay for:
- Design and printing of leaflets: we are preparing leaflets on the role of the Jewish Labour Movement; the IHRA definition; and updating our general FSOI flyer
- Public meetings to inform and educate our potential supporters and the general public
- Developing our website, which is already a widely appreciated resource
- Building a fund to pay for legal challenges against unlawful bans on free expression
- Commissioning our own small-scale research projects on the origins and extent of the attacks on Free Speech
Please support us by sending a donation to:
Free Speech on Israel
Sort code 16-58-10
Account number 20741316
One-off donations are very welcome; continuing donations by standing orders help us plan our future programme more securely.
Please send us an email if you do make a donation so we know where our funds are coming from and we can acknowledge your help.
Support from organisations
Please get your trade union branch, Labour Party branch or other organisation to support FSOI
- Pass a resolution supporting the work of FSOI
- Make an organisational support donation to FSOI.
- Suggested minimum donation for local groups £25.00
- Suggested minimum donation for national organisations £100.00
Send your donation to:
Free Speech on Israel
Sort code 16-58-10
Account number 20741316
Please contact [email protected] if you need to send a cheque
Please send us an email if you do make a donation so we know where our funds are coming from and we can acknowledge your help and keep in touch.